Friday, November 14, 2008

Currents thoughts and concerns of the week

So since last Saturday, a sad event has taken place. My family and I discovered that my cat Rascal, of 8 years old had lung problems that were more serious than we thought. We took him to the animal clinic and by the time he got to the vet, he wasn't much better. The vet put him on antibiotics, took x-rays, and tried to figure out if there was something more they could do. There was a procedure where they took some air out of his lungs, and it worked temporarily, but then he kept getting worse. We got our hopes up, hoped and prayed he would get better, but on Tuesday, we decided to put him to sleep. We wanted him out of misery, and hopefully, it was the best thing for us to do. It's sad and we miss him, but now he's not suffering anymore.

On a more positive note, I went to a graduate program session for psychology this week, and I decided I am going to apply for the counseling psychology program for next fall. It was between that and the school psychology program, but I decided that counseling was more for me. With a counseling degree in psychology, I have choices of working in jails, prisons, schools, psychiatric hospitals, or the Providence house or Gingerbread house. I want to specialize in marriage and family therapy, mainly dealing with divorces in the family, problems in relationships, and premarital and postmarital counseling. So I figured out everything I have to do to apply for graduate school, and I'm excited! Just one more semester of just 12 hours left, and then I keep going. So we'll see where I end up.

1 comment:

dotsmom said...

Sorry to hear about your cat. I have five, and they are my babies.

K. Smith
Eng. 226