Thursday, October 16, 2008

Everything changes

I can feel the holidays coming around, and I'm so excited. I can definitely feel that the weather is changing, and it's getting colder because my allergies are going crazy. Other things keep changing such as the stock market fluctuating, and gas prices are almost a dollar less than they were in just a month. Elections are coming up, and it's my first time to vote for president, and things will definitely be different after the election. It may be the first time to have a black president or the first time to have a female vice president. It's just amazing how our world can change so much in just a few months. My life will change a lot in just a year. I'll be graduating next May and hopefully will be in graduate school by this time next year. My boyfriend and I will hopefully be getting engaged within the next 6 months. My boyfriend's sister is having a baby girl in about 5 and a half months, and I'm super excited! I'll be an aunt! Well, sort of....These changes are good, but it seems life keeps getting more and more complicated every few months. In about a month and a half, instead of receiving an awesome birthday present, it seems I'll just be losing my insurance, and I'm not too happy about it. It seems we have to grow up so fast these days, and I know that sounds negative, but I miss being a kid sometimes when we didn't have to worry about as much.
Do you remember the time before computers and cell phones and all this other new technology stuff? Can you imagine what it would be like to not have a computer, your blackberry or an Ipod? My boyfriend just turned it to "Little House on the Prairie" for some reason, and he told me he wishes we could be in those times because life seemed so much simpler. The way we live today is much different than how they lived back then, and the more advanced technology we come up with, the more complicated and confusing things seem, and it's hard to keep up with all the new stuff. But that's just my opinion. I often think of that country song where she sings, "Life's about changing, and nothing ever stays the same," because those words are so true. Life is also changing, and sometimes I wish I could go back in time to those special times that are gone now, and just press pause.


Cajun Haole said...

I agree with you that many times life's changes come altogether and too fast. Thinking back to when I was a young child, there were no cell phones, gps, or I-anythings. And everyone seemed to get by in life just fine without them. With the turbulence in the economy, I'm beginning to wonder if the bills from these "techno" gadgets are worth it. I'm starting to believe that they do more harm than good.

dotsmom said...

Your choice is your choice--just vote!

K. Smith
Eng. 226