Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

From my boss's and boyfriend's expectations of Hurricane Gustav I thought it was going to be a lot worse, well here anyways (I should have known, my boss is overly dramatic). But the power didn't even go off at work (even though I secretly wanted it to, at least when I was there). I know in other places it there was some damage, I know seven people died in the U.S. by the effects of Gustav and there was a 1,000,000+ without power, but apparently by the time it reached northwest Louisiana the strom had slowed. Not trying to be insensitive, but I did enjoy playing in the rain and in what seemed like a mini hurricane wannabe, and I've really enjoyed my time out of school! So I guess I should be grateful for it not getting bad here. (Although I'm sure when we go back to school my teachers will probably give us a crap load more of work to do but o well I enjoyed the little break to catch up on some stuff, woo hoo!)

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