Saturday, September 27, 2008

Current thought of the day

Well, there have been a lot of thoughts going through my mind lately, and I've been debating on what to write about. Well, an important issue to me that is on my mind are animals. My sister and her friend went to pet smart today for the adopt a pet day or whatever it's called and helped to get the animals adopted to owners. Well, of course not all animals are going to be adopted, which is unfortunate. Most people immediately go straight towards the puppies or kittens, but the older animals get overlooked because they're not as cute or as healthy or as playful. That's sad, though, because those older animals need a home just as much as the young ones do, if not more. Many animals who aren't adopted and left at the shelters for a long period of time are usually put to sleep, and that breaks my heart. There are so many animals today that are born and not wanted, and too many are born because many owners do not spay or neuter their animals. Why do people have puppies or kittens if they don't want to keep any of them? Do people do that just to make money? Well, a lot of animals do not have homes because there are too many animals being born! So I encourage everyone to spay and neuter their animals; I know it's a lot of money. And if you want a pet, go adopt one and save a life! If I could adopt more animals I would, but I have too many already, 3 of which have to be spayed and neutered. Well, those are my thoughts for today...I'm sure you can tell I love animals; sorry for those who don't if you've wasted your time reading this blog.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Significant moments

"You know, it's been said that we just don't recognize significant moments of our lives while their happening. We grow up complacent with ideas, things, or people, and we take them for granted. And it's usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you realize how wrong you've been, you realize how much you really need it, how much you love it. God, I love this game..." That was a quote by Nathan Scott from the television show "One Tree Hill," referring to basketball. This quote caught my attention because that statement is true for many of us today. This has been on my mind for over a week; my uncle recently passed away, and now my aunt is without him; it reminded me that you never know when you won't have that special person in your life anymore. I know I am guilty of taking things and people for granted. For example, when I used to dance and was in much better shape, I just didn't realize how much dancing meant to me and how much I would miss it. There have been important moments in my life that I wish I could go back to, to appreciate them more or to make the most of them. It's those moments you wish you had a camera or a recorder to remember exactly what happened and never forget. There are people in my life I see everyday that mean so much to me that could be taken away at any time, but I still go about the same way. I take most days for granted, waking up dreading those days I have to go to school or work long hours, knowing that day could be my last, but I haven't done anything differently. I guess that saying is true about you don't know how much something or someone means to you until it's gone. So this quote is inspiring to me to live each day to the fullest and appreciate life and the things and people in it. Let it be an inspiration to you to not take the significant moments or people for granted.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Gasoline prices!!!

What comes to my mine right now is gasoline prices! Yes, I'm sure when everyone thinks of that subject, they cringe, but of course most people are thinking about it because gas prices are rising due to Hurricane Ike coming. It seems gas prices are rising by the minute, and I've already been to one shell gas station on airline drive that was out of regular unleaded gasoline, and naturally the line at the Walmart gas station was backed up. Well, I personally would rather find another gas station than wait in line for 30 minutes, even if it is more expensive somewhere else. So today was the day to fill up our cars and gas cans because everyone is freaking out about gas prices increasing. I think it's ridiculous how they are raising prices just because everyone else is, not because they have new gasoline. My boyfriend told me that if Galveston is hit bad enough by Hurricane Ike, then the gas refineries where we get our gasoline from will be messed up, and it could take weeks for gasoline prices to decrease again. That sucks!
Do you remember when gasoline was only like a $1/gallon? I miss those days...when I was 16, gas was cheap, and I had no worries. It's sad now that $3/gal. is cheap to us. Well, I keep hoping that prices will go down to $2/gal. like it used to be, but I doubt it will, and that kind of depresses me. I remember one time when gas was close to $2.50/gal., and I was at the tanning bed next to this little gas station on airline drive across from Brownlee subdivision called J&A's I think. As soon as I walked into the tanning bed, the lady that worked there told me that for some reason J&A's was selling gasoline for $1.50/gal., and that I should run over there and fill up my gas tank. Well, I did, and it's funny now because we'll probably never see gas prices at $1.50/gal. ever again. It just amazes me how much things are today, and they continue to rise every day it seems!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

From my boss's and boyfriend's expectations of Hurricane Gustav I thought it was going to be a lot worse, well here anyways (I should have known, my boss is overly dramatic). But the power didn't even go off at work (even though I secretly wanted it to, at least when I was there). I know in other places it there was some damage, I know seven people died in the U.S. by the effects of Gustav and there was a 1,000,000+ without power, but apparently by the time it reached northwest Louisiana the strom had slowed. Not trying to be insensitive, but I did enjoy playing in the rain and in what seemed like a mini hurricane wannabe, and I've really enjoyed my time out of school! So I guess I should be grateful for it not getting bad here. (Although I'm sure when we go back to school my teachers will probably give us a crap load more of work to do but o well I enjoyed the little break to catch up on some stuff, woo hoo!)